Entrepreneurship Development Cell at Builders Engineering College

Entrepreneurship Development Cell at Builders Engineering College

Established in alignment with the Institute's mission, the EDC emphasizes both employability and entrepreneurial skills, providing a comprehensive knowledge transfer system.

At Builders Engineering College, we recognize entrepreneurship as a pivotal force in shaping economic landscapes and driving innovation. Our Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) is dedicated to nurturing entrepreneurial spirit, particularly within our rural student community, transforming fresh ideas into thriving businesses.

  • Awareness Creation: Cultivate entrepreneurship awareness among the rural student community.
  • Innovative Thinking: Encourage creative and out-of-the-box thinking linked to entrepreneurial activities.
  • Cultural Development: Foster a culture that highlights the significance of entrepreneurship and self-employment.
  • Strategic Support: Guide young entrepreneurs in securing funds, drafting business plans, and product development.
  • Idea to Prototype: Motivate students to turn their ideas into prototypes and establish startups.
  • Industrial Interaction: Provide insights into entrepreneurship through industrial visits and industry-institute interaction programs.

  • Entrepreneurial Workshops and Seminars: Regular sessions led by industry experts to provide practical insights and guidance.
  • Mentoring System: Personalized mentoring from seasoned entrepreneurs and business leaders.
  • Guest Lectures: Inviting successful entrepreneurs to share their journeys and lessons learned.
  • Prototype Development Support: Assistance in developing prototypes and navigating the startup ecosystem.
  • Funding Assistance: Guidance on navigating financial aspects, including pitching and securing venture capital.

Are you ready to embark on your entrepreneurial journey? Join the Entrepreneurship Development Cell at Builders Engineering College and start building your dreams today. Explore, innovate, and succeed with us!